junji ito

Review: Tomie, a horror classic about society’s gendered horrorsReview: Tomie, a horror classic about society’s gendered horrors

Review: Tomie, a horror classic about society’s gendered horrors

Despite being a huge Junji Ito fan, I put off reading Tomie because I wasn’t quite sure if I’d like…

3 years ago
Review: Junji Ito’s Uzumaki is a classic worth spiraling intoReview: Junji Ito’s Uzumaki is a classic worth spiraling into

Review: Junji Ito’s Uzumaki is a classic worth spiraling into

I finally finished all 600+ whopping pages of Junji Ito's Uzumaki, and I spiraled into love with it, y’all! It's really…

4 years ago
Review: The World of Junji Ito Offers Both Psychological and Physical TerrorReview: The World of Junji Ito Offers Both Psychological and Physical Terror

Review: The World of Junji Ito Offers Both Psychological and Physical Terror

Hello, hello! This isn’t your typical plant or kid lit post, it’s true. But since this is my personal blog,…

5 years ago